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Image by Takashi Miyazaki
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I first encountered this sub while browsing one day. I was intrigued by the tag line so I checked it out. Needless to say I was not disappointed. Way to often everything on Reddit is the same old thing and seems like and endless ad for something. Jessi brings more than just eye candy she brings personality and creativity that will keep you coming back to see what she’s up to. It’s more than just pictures she does covers of songs and she even did the hottest Frosted Flakes ad of all time. She can be your BTGG or get down with the one hour couple Jessi can do it all. It’s not just the same old content you see elsewhere. Jessi brings an energy that is unique and gives you a view of her world. So if you don’t check her her out your missing out because she’s dirty, nerdy, inked and curvy !


-Rskik (reddit)


Busty alt girl hotmessjessxx is as hot as she is silly. She’s nerdy, she’s curvy, she’s hot as fuck. What I like about Jess is that I feel that she has a ton of fun taking her pics and videos. She loves sharing her incredible make-up skills. She loves showing off a sexy costume or two on occasion. Jess isn’t afraid to show of her nerdom in her own sexy way. Her mischievous smile is the best compliment to her sexy body. She loves to whip out her lovely big tits for her fans and viewers. She loves showing off so much that you’ll be draining your balls as soon as you’ll watch her. Lovely, sexy, silly, beautiful. If you like your women busty, thick, and playful, hotmessjessxx is the perfect girl for you.



-TheUnUltimateWarrior (reddit)

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